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Page Tools More • • • Are you new to IGN's wiki guides? Whether you're looking to or add to others, this page contains five very basic -- and very easy -- lessons you need to get started.
Making an Edit [ ] Anyone who has an IGN account and is logged in can make an edit to a wiki page. Here are the three basic steps to editing any pages. 1) Click on the EDIT button at the top of the page and you will be whisked away to the wiki editor view. Go ahead and try it on this page, if you want! 3) Any changes you make will be saved when you hit SAVE in the upper right corner of the edit window. Getting to Know the Wiki Editor [ ] The wiki editor (or editing interface) should look familiar.
There are multiple formatting options at the top of the editing window, including extremely handy paragraph headers, bullet points, and hyperlink tools. Note that there are two tabs at the top of the wiki editor that say RICH TEXT EDITOR/WIKI MARKUP.
This entity has confirmed that it has completed uploading all existing public file material required to be included in the online public file. FM Radio Profile.
You can write and layout a page easily with the Rich Text Editor, but you can freely switch back and forth between it and the Wiki Markup view, which shows the view of the page in -- which is also totally editable. Words are boring, though. You can do so much more with the wiki editor! Adding an Image [ ] You can add images using the wiki editor. Hit EDIT and make sure you are in the Rich Text Editor view.
Screen_Shot_2012-09-12_at_3.40.22_PM.png In the wiki editor there is a MEDIA LIBRARY for the wiki just to the right of the editor -- it's under the SAVE button. This has a tab for video and screenshots.
Any existing images in the gallery can be added from the gallery by clicking on the gallery thumbnail. To upload a new image, follow these steps: 1) Click UPLOAD. This will open the image uploader box. 2) Select a file from your computer. You can upload up to 5 files at once.
This is the road that Alexander the Great may have used if he really came to Colchis and he really built the iron gates to stop the peoples of the North, Gog and Magog. As to Gog and Magog, we do not know anything sure, but the way leading through the is the only natural passage through the Caucasus, a road known since antiquity, and fortified already more than a century before Christ – even if the remains of the fortifications we see today along the road are less ancient. And the peoples of the North have not ceased to circulate on it.
Regulirovka klapanov reno premium. After selecting your files hit UPLOAD in the image uploader box. Close the uploader. Screen_Shot_2012-09-12_at_4.50.22_PM.png You can copy the small SPECIAL code box around the wiki editor freely if you need to move it. Organizing the Nav [ ] Here you'll find a well-organized list of wiki pages and topics.
The navigation can be edited freely, but any changes you make to page names will not point to the old pages, so be careful not to lose track of pages (you can always check the history page) To add to or adjust the nav, follow these steps: 1) Click EDIT NAV at the bottom of the gray navigation box. Editnav.jpg 2) In the nav editor you can add new pages (sections) by clicking + ADD PAGE.
You also can add pages to sub-sections of existing pages. 3) Move around existing pages by clicking on them and dragging them up and down. This will affect what order they appear in the navigation.
Adding a Page [ ] (See above!) Adding a page to the Nav is the best way to add pages to a wiki. Once you've added the page to the Nav and hit 'Save,' you can then click on the new link in the Nav and begin editing it. [ ] Linking within a wiki is incredibly important. To easily link to other articles within a wiki, you can simply highlight text in the rich text editor and hit the 'chain' button.